【同义词辨析】 2019-08-06 贬低decry-minimize

decry: implies open condemnation with intent to discredit: ~ied their do-nothing attitude.  credit信任信誉信用the belief that someone has good qualities,如credit card信用卡,如give no credit to idle rumors不相信闲言碎语,而discredit意思是使信誉名誉丧失败坏,如the photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President这些蓄意拍摄的照片旨在败坏总统的名声。但在本例,discredit只是表示批评批判)

depreciate: implies a representing of something as being of less value than commonly believed: critics ~d his plays for being unabashedly sentimental.  represent有2个意思,1、表现描述=present; 2、代表,这里用1,意思近似于评价     注意represent something as being of value的用法

disparage: implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting or invidious comparison: ~d golf as recreation of the middle-aged.   invidious comparison不公正的比较,因为二者皆然不同,或者同样好或坏is an unfair comparison because the two things are very different or are equally good or bad,如police officers fear invidious comparisons警官害怕会被不公正地比较)   recreation休闲,常和娱乐entertainment搭配

belittle: suggests a contemptuous attitude and an attempt to make something seem small: inclined to ~ the achievements of others.

minimize: connotes an effort to make something seem as small as possible: do not try to ~ the danger involved.

decry谴责严厉批评: 指公开谴责想要批判,depreciate贬低: 指对某物的评价比一般认为的,disparage贬低: 指间接的贬低,如通过轻视或不公平的比较,belittle轻视: 表示态度轻视,试图使某物看起来渺小,minimize轻视,使最小化: 同上,使某物看起来尽可能小

记忆方法: 1)首字母DDDBM大大大不美<==贬低

         2)贬低的意思是评价低mean to express a low opinion of something.